Optimizing Ombudsman Opportunities | SFR.U 📺 live coaching positioning stoned fruit roll.up

"Argh, when will the old guard get it?”

Melina Cordero wants to know. (And, frankly, we all wanna know.) If they don’t change the way they work with other people, she tells us in “In the Hot Seat: Live Coaching Melina.” they’re unconsciously (or even consciously)...

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Embrace Presentation Createology | SFR.U 📺 business besties spiced advice stoned fruit roll.up

The ROI of DIY? Ask Jody Wissing. 

Do you have something to say, and axe to grind or a soapbox to stand on? Do you want to change the world, do things a better way, or start something new? Do you need to align hearts and minds with mission and values? Do it with a presentation.

Jody Wissing...

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Doggedly Effective | SFR.U 📺 spiced advice stoned fruit roll.up top10

Or, the Anatomy of a YouTube Channel.

Have you ever wished that you had a tour guide to walk you slowly through the bones of a YouTube channel? ‍ It me. I am that. Join me + Zack Bordeaux from DozerDog Designs as he patiently shows me every nook and cranny of the Stoned Fruit YouTube channel,...

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Business in the Raw LIVE! | SRF.U 📺 business besties business in the raw stoned fruit roll.up

Join us on one person’s journey to discover an authentic personal brand.

Pull back the curtain on the internet’s safest co-creation space in intimate conversation and “entrepre-therapy” with some of the most maverick minds in the business arena today—building a bold...

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Creator Confessions from Month One | SFR.U 📺 stoned fruit roll.up

Failure and success? Tpfffft! How about experimentation and iteration?

I go live solo for the first time to share how it's going, shout out to Gilly, and a teaser for next week. Stoned Fruit Roll.Up, the early daze.

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Host with the Most in a Livestream Universe | SFR.U 📺 business besties business in the raw spiced advice stoned fruit roll.up

When I told Ross Brand I was starting a LIVE show, he asked me to start two.

Brah, I can barely wrap my head around one show. Like, how do you actually become a great host? What are all of the things you have to remember? What is the role of a host anyway? How do you juggle all of those moving...

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Methodize Creativity | SFR.U 📺 stoned fruit roll.up

Dependable processes for juicy content? Yes, please

When I told Tony Porreco I was launching a weekly LIVE show, he said, "interesting," with the old chin stroke.

For you see, Tony has known me since the days before Stoned Fruit, since the days before Rebecca Gunter, freelance for hire....

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Revamp Visibility | SFR.U 📺 spiced advice stoned fruit roll.up

12 Paradigm-Shifting Things We Learned About Video Podcasting from Paul King 

This is the sprout of a show we've been affectionately calling Stoned Fruit Roll.Up. Ah-dorable. 

It’s Day 14 of having a live show and the mountain of things we don’t know about having a weekly...

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"Stoned Fruit Roll.Up" Who is it for? | SFR.U 📺 stoned fruit roll.up

Start a weekly live on YouTube, they said. It'll be fun, they said. Well, alright.

This is Day 7, the sprout of a show we've been affectionately calling Fruit Roll.Up.


Intentionally, we have done just about zero prep for this launch and that is by design. When Gill suggested we...

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