Host with the Most in a Livestream Universe | SFR.U 📺 business besties business in the raw spiced advice stoned fruit roll.up

When I told Ross Brand I was starting a LIVE show, he asked me to start two.

Brah, I can barely wrap my head around one show. Like, how do you actually become a great host? What are all of the things you have to remember? What is the role of a host anyway? How do you juggle all of those moving...

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Revamp Visibility | SFR.U 📺 spiced advice stoned fruit roll.up

12 Paradigm-Shifting Things We Learned About Video Podcasting from Paul King 

This is the sprout of a show we've been affectionately calling Stoned Fruit Roll.Up. Ah-dorable. 

It’s Day 14 of having a live show and the mountain of things we don’t know about having a weekly...

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Ode to the Positioning Statement ✍️🧠 brand strategy positioning spiced advice

Making a brand delicious at every bite: 

We challenge you to think about branding without thinking about your logo and color palette.

We want you to forget about a logo. Push aside that PMS color. Leave those branding visuals on the laptop. Those are all additions. Branding elements help to...

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Positioning Applied ✍️ 🧠 brand strategy positioning spiced advice

How to use your Positioning Statement to seed your brand strategy.

I’ve been marching up and down the beach, beating my drum for positioning. I’m telling everyone who will listen: take the time to write a positioning statement and your marketing will flow like the chocolate in the...

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Get it Write ✍️ 🧠 spiced advice

Stellar communication is your unfair advantage.

My girl Beth Collier is a class act. She just gets life right. She knows that the key to just about anything we want to accomplish in life is found in exceptional communications skills.

Want to lead a team into a business battle? You’d better...

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How to Double-Down on Your Network ✍️ 🧠 entrepreneurial activism spiced advice

With partnerships, pods, and bonded pairs.

I’ve got a huge brand crush on my local auto garage. I love to read their love notes in every service touch. The service reminder decal on my windshield tells me when I need to come back but adds “You rock!” Everyone from the front...

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The Power of Pivoting Pain Points ✍️ 🧠 brand strategy spiced advice

“Pain points;” These two words get batted around business circles more than a shuttlecock on the first spring day.

People are always talking about how identifying “the thing” that really hurts your ideal client is “the thing” they’ll throw money at...

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Get Gravitas on LinkedIn ✍️ 🧠 brand strategy spiced advice

How to massage a non-traditional career path into the CEO’s journey.

When last we left our heroes, I showed you 5–7 areas in which you can really double down on creative content to create a more personality-driven LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn profiles aren’t meant to be a digital...

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Beyond the Boring ✍️🧠 brand strategy spiced advice

Because LinkedIn loves to do the selling for you….if you let it.

You’re living that LinkedIn life lately. Sweet. Despite its bad rap for being a bit <dry cough> dull, there’s a lot to love about LinkedIn. And while I never find myself bingeing on my LinkedIn feed, I...

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The Horrendous Price of Not Being Yourself ✍️ 🧠 entrepreneurial activism spiced advice

So, why are people stuck?

One of the most competent badass professionals sat across from me, her eyes brimming with tears. Her exhaustion was palatable. You could just FEEL how long she had been pushing that rock uphill. “I’ve never worked in a place where I could be myself before....

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Core Value, a Brand Primer ✍️ 🧠 brand strategy spiced advice

What is Value?

From the very first time I first dipped my toe in the business arena, people were always schooling me: “first and foremost, bring value to the table.” It is what we mean when we talk about the rubber hitting the road, the shit hitting the fan, and boots hitting the...

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